A blog about finding God's way on the journey with our children, our family, our jobs and our community.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Icecream Cake made Easy!

Last evening the Hicks House was full of family - again.  This time we were celebrating my oldest daughter's birthday some 28 years ago.  I remember the day well.  My husband was scheduled to be in a softball tournament in Alabama and was dressed in his uniform and ready to go.  When I stood up to kiss him goodbye, my water broke!  Needless to say, he didn't make it to Alabama that Saturday for the tournament.  We spent the next 12 and 1/2 hours in labor and at 7:24 p.m. on April 24, 1982, Austin Leigh Hicks was born.  I simply can't believe it was 28 years ago (it seems like just last week!) 

So as the Hicks clan gathered 'round to celebrate another year, we enjoyed the following casual menu - a menu of some of Austin's favorite foods:

Italian Garden Salad (similar to Olive Garden)
Baked Spaghetti (recipe follows)
Five Cheese and Garlic Toast
Homemade Ice Cream Cake (recipe follows)

My first attempt at the ice cream cake and I must say, it was a big hit.  At my house, you know something was a home run when the kids wake up in the morning asking, 'is there any more of that ice cream cake left Mom?'  And, why, you might ask, would you make an icecream cake when you know Austin's favorite thing in the whole world is a DQ ice cream cake?   In a city of nearly 400,000 people, CAN YOU BELIEVE there is no REAL DQ?  Sure, there are DQ's attached to gas stations or in Food Courts, but NO REAL DQ offering cakes?  So, I had to resort to making a the closest thing I could.  It did taste great, but next time I make one I will use more pudding and less icing.  I forgot to take a photo of mine, so I am attaching this one I found on the internet.  Austin's actually had real cake icing and "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" written on it (like a REAL DQ icecream cake!!)


30 Mayfield Mini  ice cream sandwiches

1 (16 ounce) container frozen non-dairy whipped topping, partially thawed

16 Oreo Cookies, crushed

1 (12 ounce) jar KRAFT chocolate fudge topping, slightly warm

1 small package White Chocolate Instant Jello-O pudding

1 Container (any kind) of White Cake Frosting


Cover a metal quarter sheet cake pan with freezer foil, making sure to form into the corners properly (take your time; this step is important).  Unwrap the mini ice cream sandwiches and layer them in a brick pattern into the pan.  (I saved the small pieces for the end and cut all of my 'chocolate bricks' at the end to fill in)  It's important to use a brick pattern, because stacking them gives the cake no stability when its' time to cut. 
Mix the pudding and the Cool Whip together.  Layer the pudding mixture on top of the icrecream sandwich layer and then top with 1/2 the crushed Oreos.  Heat the hot fudge sauce jar in the microwave for about a minute, or until the sauce is pourable.  Pour half the jar onto the crushed oreos.  Next make another layer of cookies and pudding, ending with hot fudge sauce.  Place in the freezer for 1 hour to harden.  Remove from the freezer.  Remove the foil lining completely from the frosting container and place in the microwave for 1 minute.  It should be melted enough to pour on top of the cake.  Spread it out evenly and put back in the freezer for another hour or so.  You can write Happy Birthday or decorate any way you choose from this step forward - I decorated with "Happy Birtday" in red icing, but you will serve from the pan when ready to serve.
Trust me, it's easy and tastes AMAZINGLY like a DQ cake!  I will definitely be making this one again!!  Maybe next time I will try to remove it from the sheet cake pan and ice the entire cake (I am fairly experienced at icing cakes) - I will just need a cardboard base and room enough the freezer to put the cake back in without it being attacked by frozen vegetable bags! Try it, I think you will love the results. 
Keep the uneaten portion covered and in the freezer.

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